
ご予約はこちら 「生涯頼れるヘアデザイナーであり続けること。」をモットーに明日からの『楽』を心を込めてつくります。 3歳の息子と0歳の娘の二児の父です。 海外でヘアメイクアップアーティストとして活動をスタートし、 日本に帰国後ヘアメイク事務所に所属し、TV・映画・舞台・コレクション・etc...様々現場を経験しました。 メイクアップ講師だった経験を生かしたMakeの技術と知識はサロン内でも群を抜いており、数多くの撮影をこなしタレントやモデルからの支持を獲得。現在も多方面で活躍の場を広げさせて頂いております。 サロンワークでは 【こだわりの前髪カット】【顔回りの似合わせ小顔カット】【お肌をワンランク綺麗に見せる艶カラー】に定評あり。 ボブ・ショートボブ・ロブのお客様率NO.1。 是非一度僕にお任せください! どんな小さなことでも構いませんのでお気軽にご相談ください English ok! To whom it may concern, Good morning, hello and good afternoon. This is Rui Ito from Hairsalon Zacc. Having problems or wanting to change your hair condition? There are alot of people out in about wanting to experience a greater life just by changing their apperance. (75% of their first impression of their looks depends on how well their hair style/condition) Yes, I belive thats how much impression it stands to others. But in reality, large factor of people do not know how they start working on its subject. As a hairstylist, I would love to share my knowledge to acchive your dream hairstyle. I have been building my knowledge and my skill throughout my life, to it I have blended ZACC style, Concepts and tool handling of hair care to build my new theory of hairstyling. I will assure you, you will love your hair ever than before!! Damaged? Unmanagerble? by my "Hair quality remidial method" your hair will be chained free from the above problems leaving you the hairstyle and quality of your dream. Please feel free to ask me for an advice, will love to offer counseling service!!